7 ways The Fast-Track Relationship Fix Works

1. Your Focus is on repairing your Relationship.

You may have known something was wrong, been unhappy, wanted an improvement or hoped the other person would say or do something. But the relationship continued to slide as you both continued to act and say what you always have. The saying “Time heals everything,” is especially untrue in a relationship where communication and connection deteriorate, problems intensify and you become more lonely and angry as the issues remain unsolved.

2. You Quickly gain an understanding of the fundamental issues.

Many people have a general idea what the issues are but few understand the scope of their relationship challenges and their partner’s unmet needs. The program asks the questions that you haven’t, identifies issues in major areas of relationship and uses your understanding of the relationship to craft a clear and personalized approach. The Assessment will help you create well defined goals and a thoughtful action plan. 

 3. You identify meaningful Goals.

Now you know what the issues are, and that you have to change direction, the next step is setting goals. The written goals in your program are a roadmap with a beginning and end point. They require alignment, help you formulate manageable steps, and strengthen your motivation.

4. You understand your Challenges and create a blueprint for success.

One reason the problem issues became unmanageable is that you didn’t appreciate the difficulty in overcoming roadblocks and put little effort into change. Change is achievable, fuels  personal growth and your conjoined efforts will spark relationship growth.  

5. You Decide what you want in a relationship.

You are an individual as well as an equity partner in your relationship. With the passage of time dreams, direction, goals, the values of one or both of you may be lost as you adapt to everyone else’s. Parents, neighbours even people you admire. The result is dissatisfaction that you may have mislabelled, casting blame or disillusionment.

6. You have a detailed action Plan.

Your written action plan has enough details, steps and measuring components so you know when you have  fulfilled your goal. And your S/O knows it is a plan they can trust. Your action plan identifies a realistic time line, the process involved and provides you both with laser clarity.

7. You make a Commitment.

It may not surprise you that 204 couples in a study said that, Commitment was the most powerful and consistent predictor of relationship satisfaction. In this program you are asked to make an authentic commitment that states precisely what you commit to. Regardless of the struggles of the past, commitment guarantees hope for the future.


6 Reasons WHY you Need The The Fast-Track Relationship Fix