5 Types Of Moms Who Raise Happy, Healthy Kids — According To A Therapist
These women aren't overindulgent, uninvolved, or authoritarian- but they are not perfect, either. So how do they do it? (Jun 30, 2024)
I cringe at the word “amazing” when used to describe moms. When I hear it, I think of the women who feel intimidated and inadequate just hearing this overused term. I certainly do.
Let’s face it, motherhood is not for the weak and squeamish, and even on our best days as mothers we can fail one moment and succeed brilliantly the next. I have known some great mothers, women who have withstood their children's hardships, failures, and brilliance. These women aren't overindulgent, uninvolved, or authoritarian — but they are not perfect, either. So how do they do it?
Let's consider what traits make these women such extraordinary mothers.
1)The "here for you" mom is responsive and emotionally engaged.
Great mothers respond promptly- show genuine interest in their children, and do so in relevant ways.
2) The follow-through mom sets and reinforces boundaries & consequences.
Effective mothers understand that natural consequences are key to their child's learning and get out of the way when these occur.
3)The proactive mom uses communication to prepare her kids and reinforce values.
Good communication is the difference between average and good parenting.
4)The "shoulder to cry on" mom is nurturing and supportive, a soft place for kids to land.
So significant is nurture and support in the formation of a young person that it is critical both parents pull their weight and the role is not fulfilled only by a mother.
5)The "healthy stress" mom models emotional intelligence.
Great mothers who manage their emotions effectively, have good boundaries and respectful relationships, demonstrate healthy ways to cope with stress and frustration, and navigate the world.
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